Things to Know about Tooth Whitening

If you are considering tooth whitening, here are some things to keep in mind so you can make the right decision about your tooth whitening solution. Tooth Whitening Compounds Are Safe for the Teeth, but Not for the Gums Most tooth whitening approaches use a form of peroxide, which attacks the organic molecules that cause […]

Why Oral Hygiene Is Important

Oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your health on a daily basis. It can have an impact not only on your oral health, but on your entire body. Oral Hygiene Can Prevent Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease is when your gums become infected. Bacteria start out clinging to the […]

We are finally moved!

5 years ago I started Ascent Dental from scratch with a vision. I selected a great space for that long term vision and began my journey. Fast forward 5 years and here we are, at a brand new facility. Why the move? My 5 year contract expired and renegotions began,  unfortunately a deal was not […]

Choosing the Best Toothbrush

If there’s one piece of personal hygiene equipment you make sure you use at least twice a day, it should be your toothbrush. Brushing your teeth twice a day is crucial to your oral hygiene. You’re going to be using it for the next three months (that’s 180 uses, for those of you that like […]

How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

As with all health recommendations, there is no single rule for how often you should have your regular dental checkups and cleanings that works for everyone. For decades, dentists have generally recommended that people should have routine cleanings every six months or so (twice a year), but this is just a general guideline and may […]

Causes of a Toothache

I found this diagram on the internet and it really helps explain causes of tooth sensitivy or pain. Causes of a toothache can be many different things. I wanted to share this. Dr. Johnston

Bonnie and her Steak

Meet Bonnie- Bonnie came to us for a crown that fell out. Upon the exam, it was discovered the she had multiple teeth that needed to be removed. At the consult, she was surprised at the treatment plan of removing her teeth. She was told we could replace the teeth with dental implants. Again, she […]

Deep Cleaning / Dental Scaling

When teeth and gums don’t get cleaned properly, the food particles mix with bacteria in your mouth and develop a soft substance called plaque. This plaque if not removed can turn into a harder substance known as dental tartar or calculus. If tartar is still not removed, it start impinging on the gums and create […]