Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry in Denver
At Ascent Dental Group in Denver, CO, we’re experts in restorative dentistry. Restorative dentistry includes any dental treatment that’s used to restore or replace a damaged tooth, from basic treatments like root canals for tooth infections to advanced surgical procedures like dental implants to replace missing teeth.
Our team is always standing by to help you restore your smile, your bite, and your self-confidence. If you have specific questions about restorative dentistry, give our office a call for a complimentary consultation, and we’d be happy to provide you with the guidance you need.

Why Should I Consider Restorative Dentistry In Denver?
Restorative dentistry in Denver is about much more than just replacing missing teeth. It’s about repairing damaged teeth, replacing missing teeth, and providing you with a beautiful, pain-free smile that will make you look great and feel more confident.
Whether you have a decayed or infected tooth, a chipped or broken tooth due to an oral injury, teeth worn down by grinding, or even one or more missing teeth due to gum disease or extensive decay, Dr. Johnston is here to help. We offer a wide variety of restorative treatments, including but not limited to:
- Abscess Treatment
- Alveoloplasty
- Coronectomy
- Frenectomy
- Full Arch Replacement
- Full Mouth Restoration
- Gingivectomy
- Occlusal Adjustment
- Osseous Surgery
For more information about each of these treatments and why you may need them, schedule a consultation with the experts at Ascent Dental Group. Our goal is to help you restore your smile on your schedule and on your budget. We will work closely with you to assess your oral health needs as we develop your custom restorative dentistry plan in Denver.
Our Denver Restorative Dentists Are Here To Help You
At Ascent Dental Group, we know it can be hard to get the restorative dental care you need, particularly if you have dental anxiety or are nervous or embarrassed about your smile due to extensive damage and neglect.
That’s why our office is focused on building long term relationships with every patient and providing a judgment-free zone. Our goal is to help you feel comfortable and confident with every dental visit. Whether you have decayed, broken, or missing teeth, we will develop a plan that will help you meet your smile goals.
It’s also important to note that, while restorative dentistry does primarily focus on eliminating pain and discomfort, it does also have some cosmetic benefits. While it is not the same as cosmetic dentistry, treatments like full mouth restorations can also help improve the appearance of your smile.
So don’t wait. If you’re ready to restore your smile in Denver, our team is here for you. We’re always accepting new patients at Ascent Dental Group, and we would love to meet you, discuss your smile needs in person, and answer any questions you may have about restorative dentistry in Denver. Contact us online or give us a call at (303) 975-6987 to get started.